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Total Mappers Total number of Mappers using HOT Tasking Manager - as of May 2024


Total Map Edits Total number of edits mapped using HOT Tasking Manager - as of May 2024


Buildings Mapped Total number of buildings mapped using HOT Tasking Manager - as of May 2024


Roads Mapped (KM) Total length of roads mapped using HOT Tasking Manager - as of May 2024


19 Sep 2024

Implementación de Mapeo Abierto en la Gestión Municipal: Proyecto de Mapeo Colaborativo de Transporte Público en Zamora

El proyecto Rutatón-Zamora, liderado por la Dirección de Movilidad del Municipio de Zamora, Codeando México y CoMapper, busca mapear colaborativamente las rutas de transporte público en Zamora y sus municipios vecinos. Con el apoyo de HOT, se han generado datos precisos sobre rutas y unidades de transporte, facilitando a las autoridades locales tomar decisiones más informadas para optimizar el transporte público y mejorar la accesibilidad en la región.

Mexico - Mariana Marín, Codeando México

17 Sep 2024

Boosting Caribbean Resilience: Collaborative Efforts using Drone Imagery in Coulibistrie, Dominica

Discover how our collaboration with the University of the West Indies, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, the Global Resilience Institute at Northeastern University, and the Caribbean Islands Higher Education Resilience Consortium is enhancing resilience planning in Coulibistrie, Dominica, through the use of drone imagery.

Dominica - Mariana Marín

11 Sep 2024

On the Front Line of Climate Change: End-to-End Open Mapping Tech for Wildfires

Climate change has led to an increase in wildfire season length, wildfire frequency, and burned areas around the world. The wildfire season has lengthened in many areas due to factors including warmer springs, longer summer dry seasons, and drier soils and vegetation. Given this context, people from the Alpa Corral region in Córdoba, Argentina, who want to protect our native forests and towns, met from July 26 to 28 to see how the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team’s End-to-End Open Mapping Tech can help people prepare themselves to face disasters together.

Argentina - Emilio Mariscal

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